Results for 'Roger T. O'Callaghan'

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  1.  18
    Aram Naharaim: A Contribution to the History of Upper Mesopotamia in the Second Millenium B. C.E. A. Speiser & Roger T. O'Callaghan - 1950 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 70 (4):307.
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    In the Steps of Moses. [REVIEW]Roger T. O’Callaghan - 1944 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 19 (1):169-170.
  3.  19
    Judging the accuracy of children's recall: A statement-level analysis.Christopher T. Ball & Janelle O'Callaghan - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 7 (4):331.
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    The Holiness of the Church in Lumen Gentium.Paul O'Callaghan - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (4):673-701.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE HOLINESS OF THE CHURCH IN LUMEN GENTIUM HE NOTION OF the Church as a smner, not often spoken of in Catholic theology of other times, has become quite common in recent years.1 Among the questions of a pastoral and theological nature that have given rise to it, the following may be noted: a) The ecumenical question. Many would wish the Church as such to accuse herself of sin, (...)
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    Ireland, Past and Present. [REVIEW]Roger T. O'Callahan - 1942 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 17 (3):519-521.
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    Private Sociology: Unsparing Reflections, Uncommon Gains.Isaac D. Balbus, Sarah Brabant, William B. Brown, Kristine Anderson Dougherty, Don Eckard, Carolyn Ellis, David O. Friedrichs, Ann Goetting, Barbara A. Haley, Ross Koppel, Marianne A. Paget, Douglas V. Porpora, Larry T. Reynolds, Carol Rambo Ronai, Barbara Katz Rothman, Joseph W. Ruane, Don H. Shamblin, Z. G. Standing Bear, Robert L. Stewart, Roger A. Straus, Richard Quinney & Jan Yager (eds.) - 1996 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Each contributor to this book has used personal experience as the basis from which to frame his individual sociological perspectives. Because they have personalized their work, their accounts are real, and recognizable as having come from 'real' persons, about 'real' experiences. There are no objectively-distanced disembodied third person entities in these accounts. These writers are actual people whose stories will make you laugh, cry, think, and want to know more.
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    Catholicism Engaging Other Faiths: Vatican Ii and its Impact.Michael Amaladoss S. J., Roberto Catalano, Francis X. Clooney S. J., Archbishop Michael L. Fitzgerald, Richard Girardin, Roger Haight S. J., Sallie B. King, Vladimir Latinovic, Leo D. Lefebure, Archbishop Felix Machado, Gerard Mannion, Alexander E. Massad, Sandra Mazzolini, Dawn M. Nothwehr O. S. F., John T. Pawlikowski O. S. M., Peter C. Phan, Jonathan Ray, William Skudlarek O. S. B., Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, Jason Welle O. F. M. & Taraneh R. Wilkinson (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book assesses how Vatican II opened up the Catholic Church to encounter, dialogue, and engagement with other world religions. Opening with a contribution from the President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, it next explores the impact, relevance, and promise of the Declaration Nostra Aetate before turning to consider how Vatican II in general has influenced interfaith dialogue and the intellectual and comparative study of world religions in the postconciliar decades, as well as the contribution (...)
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    M. Παπαθωμoυλoσ I. Tσαβαρν G. Rigotti (edd.): Mαξιμoσ o Πλανoυδησ: Aυγoντινoυ: Περι Tριαδoσ: Bιβλια πεντεκαιδεκα ἅπερ ἐκ τσ Λατíνων σιακτoν εἰσ τν Eλλδα μετεγκε: Eισαγωγη, Eλληνικo και Λατινo Kειμενo, Γλωσσαριo: Eδιτιo Πρινχεπσ Book 1: Bιβλια A-Z; Book 2: Bιβλια H-IE (Bιβλιoθηκα A. Mανoυσηκα A. Mανoυων, 3.) Pp. clx + 463; 464–1056. Athens: Kεντρoν Eκδoσεωσ Eργων Eργων Eλληνων EυγγραΦεων, 1995. Paper. ISBN: 960-7099-30-3; 960-099-31-1. [REVIEW]Roger Green - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (1):188-189.
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    M. Παπαθωμoυλoσ I. Tσαβαρν G. Rigotti (edd.): Mαξιμoσ o Πλανoυδησ: Aυγoντινoυ: Περι Tριαδoσ: Bιβλια πεντεκαιδεκα ἅπερ ἐκ τσ Λατíνων σιακτoν εἰσ τν Eλλδα μετεγκε: Eισαγωγη, Eλληνικo και Λατινo Kειμενo, Γλωσσαριo: Eδιτιo Πρινχεπσ Book 1: Bιβλια A-Z; Book 2: Bιβλια H-IE (Bιβλιoθηκα A. Mανoυσηκα A. Mανoυων, 3.) Pp. clx + 463; 464–1056. Athens: Kεντρoν Eκδoσεωσ Eργων Eργων Eλληνων EυγγραΦεων, 1995. Paper. ISBN: 960-7099-30-3; 960-099-31-1. [REVIEW]Roger Green - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (1):67-68.
  10. Against hearing phonemes - A note on O’Callaghan.Naomi Osorio-Kupferblum - forthcoming - In Limbeck-Lilienau Christoph & Stadler Friedrich, Beiträge der Österreichischen Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft.
    Casey O’Callaghan has argued that rather than hearing meanings, we hear phonemes. In this note I argue that valuable though they are in an account of speech perception – depending on how we define ‘hearing’ – phonemes either don’t explain enough or they go too far. So, they are not the right tool for his criticism of the semantic perceptual account (SPA).
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    Lublin Thomism.Roger Duncan - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (2):307-324.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:LUBLIN THOMISM 1 THE TEXTS of the philosophers associated with the Catholic University of Lublin, thanks to the tireless work and energy of an editorial board under bhe direction and support of Marie Lescoe, are at last appearing in English.2 'Dhe Lublin school is Thomist in inspiration and avowed adherence. It is Thomist, however, in a manner which makes liberal use of the works of Continental philosophers in the (...)
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  12.  51
    Self-predication and the "third man" argument.Roger A. Shiner - 1970 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 8 (4):371.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Self-Predication and the "Third Man" Argument ROGER A. SHINER 1.1. IN COMMPm'mO on the 'Third Man' Argument (TMA), Proclus z produces the following line of thought. He argues that. if the relation of resemblance between Form and particular were symmetrical, the argument in question would be valid; the relation is not, however, symmetrical. Where a Form and particular are both alike, have the quality of likeness, the likeness (...)
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    Book Reviews : Louis O. Mink, Historical Understanding, edited by Brian Fay, Eugene O. Golob, and Richard T. Vann. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY 1987. Pp. 285 + index, $29.95 (cloth. [REVIEW]Roger S. Gottlieb - 1990 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 20 (2):259-263.
  14. Talking With Objects -2013.Roger Wertheimer - manuscript
    Talking about objects requires talking with objects, presenting objects in speech to identify a term's referent. I say This figure is a circle while handing you a ring. The ring is a prop, a perceptual object referenced by an extra-sentential event to identify the extension of a term, its director ('This figure'). Props operate in speech acts and their products, not in sentences. Intra-sentential objects we talk with are displays. Displayed objects needn't be words but must be like words, perceptually, (...)
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    Reflections on the history of science.Roger Hahn - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (2):235-242.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Notes and Discussions :REFLECTIONS ON THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE Every discipline worthy of a name deserves to be criticized periodically, asked to explain its objects and assess its march. The history of science is no exception. Indeed, criticism at this juncture should be all the more welcomed since the subjcct has now won its place in the curriculum of Anglo-Saxon educational institutions, particularly in the United States where Ph.D. (...)
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    A Multisensory Philosophy of Perception.Casey O'Callaghan - 2019 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Nearly every theory of perception just focuses on one sense at a time; but most of the time we perceive using multiple senses. Casey O'Callaghan offers a revisionist multisensory philosophy of perception: he explores how our senses work together and influence each other, leading to surprising perceptual illusions and novel forms of experience.
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  17. Intermodal binding awareness.Casey O'Callaghan - 2014 - In David Bennett, David J. Bennett & Christopher Hill, Sensory Integration and the Unity of Consciousness. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. pp. 73-103.
    It is tempting to hold that perceptual experience amounts to a co-conscious collection of visual, auditory, tactual, gustatory, and olfactory episodes. If so, each aspect of perceptual experience on each occasion is associated with a specific modality. This paper, however, concerns a core variety of multimodal perceptual experience. It argues that there is perceptually apparent intermodal feature binding. I present the case for this claim, explain its consequences for theorizing about perceptual experience, and defend it against objections. I maintain that (...)
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  18. Sounds: a philosophical theory.Casey O'Callaghan - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    ... ISBN0199215928 ... -/- Abstract: Vision dominates philosophical thinking about perception, and theorizing about experience in cognitive science traditionally has focused on a visual model. This book presents a systematic treatment of sounds and auditory experience. It demonstrates how thinking about audition and appreciating the relationships among multiple sense modalities enriches our understanding of perception. It articulates the central questions that comprise the philosophy of sound, and proposes a novel theory of sounds and their perception. Against the widely accepted philosophical (...)
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  19. Objects for multisensory perception.Casey O’Callaghan - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (5):1269-1289.
    Object perception deploys a suite of perceptual capacities that constrains attention, guides reidentification, subserves recognition, and anchors demonstrative thought. Objects for perception—perceptual objects—are the targets of such capacities. Characterizing perceptual objects for multisensory perception faces two puzzles. First is the diversity of objects across sensory modalities. Second is the unity of multisensory perceptual objects. This paper resolves the puzzles. Objects for perception are structured mereologically complex individuals. Perceptual objects are items that bear perceptible features and have perceptible parts arranged to (...)
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    Ethical Practice in Clinical Medicine by William J. Ellos.Kevin O'Rourke - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (2):358-361.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:358 BOOK REVIEWS ing and his arguments seem more tentative and relativistic than those offered in his previously published works (Truth and Other Enigmas, 1978; The Interpretation of Frege's Phuosophy, 1981, etc.). Yet he uses his mastery of powerful logical techniques in order to support the chosen positions. This fact might give great satisfaction to a logician, hut the metaphysician may he somewhat disappointed by the meager results attained, (...)
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  21. Object Perception: Vision and Audition.Casey O’Callaghan - 2008 - Philosophy Compass 3 (4):803-829.
    Vision has been the primary focus of naturalistic philosophical research concerning perception and perceptual experience. Guided by visual experience and vision science, many philosophers have focused upon theoretical issues dealing with the perception of objects. Recently, however, hearing researchers have discussed auditory objects. I present the case for object perception in vision, and argue that an analog of object perception occurs in auditory perception. I propose a notion of an auditory object that is stronger than just that of an intentional (...)
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  22. Seeing what you hear: Cross-modal illusions and perception.Casey O'Callaghan - 2008 - Philosophical Issues 18 (1):316-338.
    Cross-modal perceptual illusions occur when a stimulus to one modality impacts perceptual experience associated with another modality. Unlike synaesthesia, cross-modal illusions are intelligible as results of perceptual strategies for dealing with sensory stimulation to multiple modalities, rather than as mere quirks. I argue that understanding cross-modal illusions reveals an important flaw in a widespread conception of the senses, and of their role in perceptual experience, according to which understanding perception and perceptual experience is a matter of assembling independently viable stories (...)
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  23. The Multisensory Character of Perception.Casey O’Callaghan - 2015 - Journal of Philosophy 112 (10):551-569.
    My thesis is that perceptual awareness is richly multisensory. I argue for this conclusion on the grounds that certain forms of multisensory perceptual experience are incompatible with the claim that each aspect of a perceptual experience is associated with some specific sensory modality or another. First, I explicate what it is for some feature of a conscious perceptual episode to be modality specific. Then, I argue based on philosophical and experimental evidence that some novel intermodal features are perceptible only through (...)
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    Roger T. Ames Responds.Roger T. Ames - 2018 - In James Behuniak, Appreciating the Chinese Difference: Engaging Roger T. Ames on Methods, Issues, and Roles. Albany: SUNY Press. pp. 249-293.
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    Dissociating the component processes of impulsivity in Parkinson's disease.O'Callaghan Claire, Shine James, Muller Alana, Walton Courtney, Lewis Simon & Hornberger Michael - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  26. The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation.Roger T. Ames & Henry Rosemont, Jr - 1999 - Ballantine.
    The earliest Analects yet discovered, this work provides us with a new perspective on the central canonical text that has defined Chinese culture--and clearly illuminates the spirit and values of Confucius.
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  27. Sounds and events.Casey O'Callaghan - 2009 - In Matthew Nudds & Casey O'Callaghan, Sounds and Perception: New Philosophical Essays. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 26--49.
    I argue that sounds are best conceived not as pressure waves that travel through a medium, nor as physical properties of the objects ordinarily thought to be the sources of sounds, but rather as events of a certain kind. Sounds are particular events in which a surrounding medium is disturbed or set into wavelike motion by the activities of a body or interacting bodies. This Event View of sounds provides for a uni- ?ed perceptual account of several pervasive sound phenomena, (...)
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  28. Perception and Multimodality.Casey O'Callaghan - 2012 - In Eric Margolis, Richard Samuels & Stephen P. Stich, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Cognitive Science. Oxford University Press.
    Philosophers and cognitive scientists of perception by custom have investigated individual sense modalities in relative isolation from each other. However, perceiving is, in a number of respects, multimodal. The traditional sense modalities should not be treated as explanatorily independent. Attention to the multimodal aspects of perception challenges common assumptions about the content and phenomenology of perception, and about the individuation and psychological nature of sense modalities. Multimodal perception thus presents a valuable opportunity for a case study in mature interdisciplinary cognitive (...)
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  29. Grades of Multisensory Awareness.Casey O'Callaghan - 2017 - Mind and Language 32 (2):155-181.
    Psychophysics and neuroscience demonstrate that different sensory systems interact and influence each other. Perceiving involves extensive cooperation and coordination among systems associated with sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. Nonetheless, it remains unclear in what respects conscious perceptual awareness is multisensory. This paper distinguishes six differing varieties of multisensory awareness, explicates their consequences, and thereby elucidates the multisensory nature of perception. It argues on these grounds that perceptual awareness need not be exhausted by that which is associated with each of (...)
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  30.  74
    Beyond Vision: Philosophical Essays.Casey O'Callaghan - 2017 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Beyond Vision brings together eight essays by Casey O'Callaghan which draw theoretical and philosophical lessons about perception, the nature of its objects, and sensory awareness. O'Callaghan focuses on auditory perception, perception of spoken language, and multisensory perception.
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    Hearing, Philosophical Perspectives.Casey O'Callaghan - 2009 - In Hal Pashler, Encyclopedia of the Mind. Sage Publications. pp. 388-390.
    Hearing and auditory perception are rapidly developing topics in the philosophy of perception. Recent work has focused on characterizing what we hear and on similarities and differences between audition and other modalities. Future work should address how theorizing about audition impacts theorizing about perception more generally. This entry concerns questions about the objects and contents of hearing. It includes discussion of the spatial content of audition, of the role of time and pitch in the individuation of auditory objects, and of (...)
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  32. Perception, Flux and Learning.Casey O’Callaghan - 2022 - Analysis 82 (3):560-571.
    Paradigms in philosophy and cognitive science until recently have treated perception in typical human beings as relatively fixed and unchanging. Recent research instead supports the claim that perception can be altered over time by training, deliberate practice or mere exposure. If so, we do not all bring to a scene the same stock of perceptual capacities, and our differences are not just deficits or superpowers. This paper describes six questions an account of perceptual learning ought to address, which pose difficult (...)
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  33. Perceiving the locations of sounds.Casey O’Callaghan - 2010 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1 (1):123-140.
    Frequently, we learn of the locations of things and events in our environment by means of hearing. Hearing, I argue, is a locational mode of perceiving with a robustly spatial phenomenology. I defend three proposals. First, audition furnishes one with information about the locations of things and happenings in one’s environment because auditory experience itself has spatial content—auditory experience involves awareness of space. Second, we hear the locations of things and events by or in hearing the locations of their sounds. (...)
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  34. Lessons from beyond vision (sounds and audition).Casey O’Callaghan - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 153 (1):143-160.
    Recent work on non-visual modalities aims to translate, extend, revise, or unify claims about perception beyond vision. This paper presents central lessons drawn from attention to hearing, sounds, and multimodality. It focuses on auditory awareness and its objects, and it advances more general lessons for perceptual theorizing that emerge from thinking about sounds and audition. The paper argues that sounds and audition no better support the privacy of perception’s objects than does vision; that perceptual objects are more diverse than an (...)
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  35. Mining the Emotions, Deepening Ars Contextualis: A Personal Reflection on the Power of Sensitive Reading.Kirill O. Thompson - 2021 - In Ian M. Sullivan & Joshua Mason, One corner of the square: essays on the philosophy of Roger T. Ames. Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press.
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  36. Synesthesia vs. crossmodal illusions.Casey O'Callaghan - 2017 - In Ophelia Deroy, Sensory Blendings: New Essays on Synaesthesia. Oxford University Press. pp. 45-58.
    We can discern two opposing viewpoints regarding synesthesia. According to the first, it is an oddity, an outlier, or a disordered condition. According to the second, synesthesia is pervasive, driving creativity, metaphor, or language itself. Which is it? Ultimately, I favor the first perspective, according to which cross-sensory synesthesia is an outlying condition. But the second perspective is not wholly misguided. My discussion has three lessons. First, synesthesia is just one of a variety of effects in which one sense modality (...)
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  37. Science, Philosophy, and Theology.John O'Callaghan (ed.) - 2014 - St. Augustine's Press.
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  38. XIII—Hearing Properties, Effects or Parts?Casey O'callaghan - 2011 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 111 (3pt3):375-405.
    Sounds are audible, and sound sources are audible. What is the audible relation between audible sounds and audible sources? Common talk and philosophy suggest three candidates. The first is that sounds audibly are properties instantiated by their sources. I argue that sounds are audible individuals and thus are not audibly instantiated by audible sources. The second is that sounds audibly are effects of their sources. I argue that auditory experience presents no compelling evidence that sounds audibly are causally related to (...)
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  39. Against hearing meanings.Casey O'Callaghan - 2011 - Philosophical Quarterly 61 (245):783-807.
    Listening to speech in a language you know differs phenomenologically from listening to speech in an unfamiliar language, a fact often exploited in debates about the phenomenology of thought and cognition. It is plausible that the difference is partly perceptual. Some contend that hearing familiar language involves auditory perceptual awareness of meanings or semantic properties of spoken utterances; but if this were so, there must be something distinctive it is like auditorily to perceptually experience specific meanings of spoken utterances. However, (...)
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  40. Les papyrus de la grotte 7 de Qmr'n.J. O'callaghan - 1973 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 95 (2):188-195.
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  41. Constructing a Theory of Sounds.Casey O'Callaghan - 2010 - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 5:247-270.
    Vision has dominated philosophical thinking about perceptual experience and the nature of its objects. Color has long been the focus of debates about the metaphysics of sensible qualities, and philosophers have struggled to articulate the conditions on the visual experience of mind-independent objects. With few notable exceptions, "visuocentrism" has shaped our understanding of the nature and functions of perception, and of our conception of its objects. The predominant line of thought from the early modern era to the present is that, (...)
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  42. Senses as Capacities.Casey O'Callaghan - 2021 - Multisensory Research 34:233-259.
    This paper presents an account of the senses and what differentiates them that is compatible with richly multisensory perception and consciousness. According to this proposal, senses are ways of perceiving. Each sense is a subfaculty that comprises a collection of perceptual capacities. What each sense shares and what differentiates one sense from another is the manner in which those capacities are exercised. Each way of perceiving involves a distinct type of information gathering, individuated by the information it functions to extract (...)
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    Can We Demonstrate That “God Exists”?John O’Callaghan - 2016 - Nova et Vetera 14 (2):619-644.
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  44. Internal Coherence and the Possibility of Judicial Integrity.Patrick O'Callaghan - 2020 - In Richard Mullender, Matteo Nicolini, Thomas D. C. Bennett & Emilia Mickiewicz, Law and imagination in troubled times: a legal and literary discourse. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  45. Echoes.Casey O’Callaghan - 2007 - The Monist 90 (3):403-414.
    Echo experiences are illusory experiences of ordinary primary sounds. Just as there is no new object that we see at the surface of a mirror, there is no new sound that we hear at a reflecting surface. The sound that we hear as an echo just is the original primary sound, though its perception involves illusions of place, time, and qualities. The case of echoes need not force us to adopt a conception according to which sounds are persisting object-like particulars (...)
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  46. Not all perceptual experience is modality specific.Casey O'Callaghan - 2014 - In Dustin Stokes, Mohan Matthen & Stephen Biggs, Perception and Its Modalities. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 133-165.
    This paper presents forms of multimodal perceptual experience that undermine the claim that each aspect of perceptual experience is modality specific. In particular, it argues against the thesis that all phenomenal character is modality specific (even making an allowance for co-conscious unity). It concludes that a multimodal perceptual episode may have phenomenal features beyond those that are associated with the specific modalities.
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    A Sourcebook in Classical Confucian Philosophy.Roger T. Ames - 2023 - SUNY Press.
    Roger T. Ames's A Sourcebook in Classical Confucian Philosophy is a companion volume to his Conceptual Lexicon for Classical Confucian Philosophy. It includes texts in the original classical Chinese along with their translations, allowing experts and novices alike to make whatever comparisons they choose. In applying a method of comparative cultural hermeneutics, Ames has tried to let the tradition speak on its own terms. The goal is to encourage readers to move between the translated text and commentary, the philosophical (...)
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  48. On Privations and Their Perception.Casey O’Callaghan - 2011 - Acta Analytica 26 (2):175-186.
    Despite its admirable bottom-up methodology, Roy Sorensen's Seeing Dark Things (OUP, 2008) raises difficult theoretical questions concerning the metaphysics and perception of absences. Metaphysical difficulties include how to individuate, count, locate, and classify absences, and what determines their features. Perceptual difficulties include how to distinguish experiences of absences and presences, especially when nonveridical, and what subjects contribute to perceptual experience according to Sorensen's causal theory. In addition to articulating these difficulties, this paper also presents and explores, on Sorensen's terms, an (...)
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  49. Experiencing speech.Casey O’Callaghan - 2010 - Philosophical Issues 20 (1):305-332.
  50. Perceptual Expertise, Universality, and Objectivity.Casey O'Callaghan - 2023 - Philosophical Studies.
    Perceptual malleability and diversity can stem from perceptual learning, expertise, genetics, disease, or accident. Perceptual malleability and diversity force us to reject the claim that perceptual capacities, perceptual experience, and perceptual content are universal across subjects and times. And it casts doubt on the presumption of a universal human perceptual nature. However, it does not directly challenge perceptual objectivity, understood as the claim that one can perceive a world of things and features that are independent from oneself and one's experiences (...)
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